Thursday, September 27, 2007

Brayden June 27, 2007 email

Hello Everyone,
Well, we were hoping that you wouldn't really hear from us anymore this summer. We were thinking that things with Brayden would continue to be going really well. We talked with his neurologist for some time yesterday. It has been determined that he is having seizures and we need to start him on medication immediately.

The way that Brayden's body is moving and not moving in certain ways during a seizure, it appears that he is having partial seizures. A partial seizure basically means that the seizure is taking place in one half of his brain. The medication that he will start will determine if it is definitely partial or the whole brain is involved. With the medication, the partial seizures will get better and go away; if the whole brain is involved then the seizures would become worse and he would need more aggressive treatment/medication. We start the medication in very small doses and continue to build up over the next few weeks to the appropriate dose. We will then see the neurologist so that she can check how he is handling medication and what to do from there.

The neurologist was surprised and very pleased to hear that Brayden has grown so much in the past month. That was encouraging to hear. He is our first one to actually have rolls of baby fat, the other two have always been long and lean. He has some very yummy legs!

Please pray that Brayden will do well on the medication and we can figure out the seizures quickly so that he can be treated in the best way possible.

Thank you,
Carrie Jenkins

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